The Guppy Fish

Akuarium Makmal ICT telah dihuni oleh Ikan Guppy. Kesemuanya 10 ekor (5 ekor jantan dan 5 ekor betina). Dengan harga seekor ikan jantan RM1.00 dan betina RM0.50. Menurut penjual, ikan guppy ini dari Singapura. Semoga dipanjangkan umur cuti 2 hari.

The Guppy Fish info

The Guppy fish is probably the most popular aquarium fish species in the world, and is also known as one of the cheapest fish in shops even though some forms may be expensive. Small, beautiful, peaceful, lively, curious and hardy, there are many colourful variations (see the pictures below) that can be collected and easily bred. The Guppy fish is one of the best choices for beginners, especially children. However, like every fish kept in captivity, these fishes also require proper care and conditions. Although care of Guppy fish is easy, one shouldn't underrate it as Guppies may suffer of diseases too!


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